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metadata.title = "Hello, World!"
metadata.category = "meta" = "2016-05-06 11:13:18 -0400"
metadata.oldPermalink = "/meta/2016/06/07/hello-world/"

Hello, again, world! Welcome to the third iteration of my website. Originally my site was hosted on GitHub pages and only available at I wrote a couple of tutorials on using Forge to mod 1.6.4, but never really finished anything other than super basic setup/recipes. Later, after I got, I decided to set up a propper website using WordPress. I copied over all of the old tutorials from my old GitHub pages site, but never really did anything else with it. After my website being offline for almost a year, I've finally decided to switch back to GitHub for the simplicity (also I <3 Jekyll). Using Jekyll, I've got a structure in place that I can use to easily publish tutorials in a structured format. There is one tutorial series that I'm currently writing and that is Forge Mods in 1.9, and hopefully more series will follow.