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API Endpoints

Note on Responses

All successful API calls must result in an HTTP 200 OK response whose body is the UTF-8 encoded JSON of the response data.

Error responses must result in non-200 response (it is recommended to use the appropriate HTTP error code when possible) whose body is a JSON object structured like so:

Key Description Required
error String. The main error message. Should be fairly short and should be presentable to the user. Yes
error_description String. A more verbose/technical description of the error. No

Server Instance

GET /api/v1/instance

Returns an Instance object containing information about this instance and this Fervor implementation.

This endpoint does not require authentication. It should be used by clients prior to completing the login/authentication flow to ensure that the server implementation is compatible with the client.


GET /api/v1/groups/

Returns an array of all available Group objects.

GET /api/v1/groups/:id

Returns the Group object for the given ID.

GET /api/v1/groups/:id/feeds

Returns an array of all Feed objects belonging to the group with the given ID.

Equivalent to retrieving the Group object and then looking up all the feeds specified by its feed_ids.

GET /api/v1/groups/:id/items


Returns an array of the most recent Items (read or unread) from all the feeds in this group.

Query Parameters

Key Description Required
only String. One of read or unread. Only the given type of items will be returned, or both types, if omitted. No

POST /api/v1/groups/create

Creates a new Group from the given parameters.


Parameters should be sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded in the POST body.

Key Description Required
title String. The title of this group. Yes
feed_ids String of comma-delimited Integers. The IDs of any already existing feeds to add to this group. No


If group creation was successful, the server will return the new Group object.

Note: Specific server implementations may require additional information to be provided, so a request with the bare minimum parameters may not be successful.

POST /api/v1/groups/:id/delete

Deletes the group with the given ID. In some server implementations, this request may also delete all feeds belonging to the deleted group.

No parameters.

If successful, the server will respond with an HTTP 204 No Content response.


GET /api/v1/feeds/

Returns an array of all available Feed objects.

GET /api/v1/feeds/:id

Returns the Feed object for the given ID.

GET /api/v1/feeds/:id/items


Returns an array of the most recent Items (read or unread) from this feed.

Query Parameters

Key Description Required
only String. One of read or unread. Only the given type of items will be returned, or both types, if omitted. No

POST /api/v1/feeds/create

Creates a new Feed from the given parameters.


Parameters should be sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded in the POST body.

Key Description Required
feed_url URL. The URL of the RSS document for this feed. Yes
group_ids String of comma-delimited Integers. The IDs of any already existing groups that this feed should be part of. No


If feed creation was successful, the server will return the new Feed object.

Note: Specific server implementations may require additional information to be provided, so a request with the bare minimum parameters may not be successful.

POST /api/v1/feeds/:id/delete

Deletes the feed with the given ID.

No parameters.

If successful, the server will return respond with an HTTP 204 No Content response.


GET /api/v1/items


Returns an array of all the Items that belong to the user.

Query Parameters

Key Description Required
only String. One of read or unread. Only the given type of items will be returned, or both types, if omitted. No

GET /api/v1/items/:id

Returns the Item object for the given ID.

POST /api/v1/items/:id/read

Marks the Item with the given ID as read.

POST /api/v1/items/:id/unread

Marks the Item with the given ID as unread.

POST /api/v1/items/read

Marks all Items with the given IDs as read.

Server implementations may optionally enforce a limit of how many posts may be marked as read with one API call.

Query Parameters

Key Description Required
ids String of comma delimited Integers. The IDs of all the posts to mark as read. Yes


Returns an array of all the item IDs that were successfully marked as read.

POST /api/v1/items/unread

Marks all Items with the given IDs as unread.

Server implementations may optionally enforce a limit of how many posts may be marked as unread with one API call.

Query Parameters

Key Description Required
ids String of comma delimited Integers. The IDs of all the posts to mark as unread. Yes


Returns an array of all the item IDs that were successfully marked as unread.