| |
- BaseDict
- FontDict
- PrivateDict
- TopDict
- CFFFontSet
- CFFWriter
- CharStrings
- CharsetCompiler
- CharsetConverter
- DictCompiler
- FontDictCompiler
- PrivateDictCompiler
- TopDictCompiler
- fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.DictDecompiler(fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.ByteCodeBase)
- PrivateDictDecompiler
- TopDictDecompiler
- EncodingCompiler
- FDSelect
- FDSelectCompiler
- FDSelectConverter
- Index
- GlobalSubrsIndex
- SubrsIndex
- TopDictIndex
- FDArrayIndex
- IndexCompiler
- FDArrayIndexCompiler
- GlobalSubrsCompiler
- CharStringsCompiler
- SubrsCompiler
- IndexedStringsCompiler
- TopDictIndexCompiler
- IndexedStrings
- SimpleConverter
- ArrayConverter
- EncodingConverter
- Latin1Converter
- NumberConverter
- ROSConverter
- TableConverter
- CharStringsConverter
- FDArrayConverter
- PrivateDictConverter
- SubrsConverter
class ArrayConverter(SimpleConverter) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
Methods inherited from SimpleConverter:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
class BaseDict |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __getattr__(self, name)
- __init__(self, strings=None, file=None, offset=None)
- decompile(self, data)
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
- getCompiler(self, strings, parent)
- postDecompile(self)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress)
class CFFFontSet |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __getitem__(self, name)
- __init__(self)
- __len__(self)
- compile(self, file, otFont)
- decompile(self, file, otFont)
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
- keys(self)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress=None)
- values(self)
class CharStrings |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __getitem__(self, name)
- __init__(self, file, charset, globalSubrs, private, fdSelect, fdArray)
- __len__(self)
- __setitem__(self, name, charString)
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
- getItemAndSelector(self, name)
- has_key(self, name)
- keys(self)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress)
- values(self)
class CharStringsConverter(TableConverter) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- CharStringsConverter
- TableConverter
- SimpleConverter
Methods defined here:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
Methods inherited from TableConverter:
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
class CharsetConverter |
| |
Methods defined here:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
class DictCompiler |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, dictObj, strings, parent)
- arg_SID(self, s)
- arg_array(self, value)
- arg_delta(self, value)
- arg_number(self, num)
- compile(self, reason)
- getDataLength(self)
- setPos(self, pos, endPos)
- toFile(self, file)
class EncodingConverter(SimpleConverter) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
class FDArrayConverter(TableConverter) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- FDArrayConverter
- TableConverter
- SimpleConverter
Methods defined here:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
Methods inherited from TableConverter:
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
class FDArrayIndex(TopDictIndex) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- FDArrayIndex
- TopDictIndex
- Index
Methods defined here:
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
Data and other attributes defined here:
- compilerClass = <class fontTools.cffLib.FDArrayIndexCompiler at 0x1542d50>
Methods inherited from TopDictIndex:
- produceItem(self, index, data, file, offset, size)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress)
Methods inherited from Index:
- __getitem__(self, index)
- __init__(self, file=None)
- __len__(self)
- append(self, item)
- getCompiler(self, strings, parent)
class FDSelectConverter |
| |
Methods defined here:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
- # The FDSelect glyph data is written out to XML in the charstring keys,
# so we write out only the format selector
class FontDict(BaseDict) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, strings=None, file=None, offset=None, GlobalSubrs=None)
- getGlyphOrder(self)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- compilerClass = <class fontTools.cffLib.FontDictCompiler at 0x154bde0>
- converters = {'BaseFontBlend': <fontTools.cffLib.ArrayConverter instance at 0x1547ee0>, 'BaseFontName': <fontTools.cffLib.SimpleConverter instance at 0x1547eb8>, 'CIDCount': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547f80>, 'CIDFontRevision': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547f30>, 'CIDFontType': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547f58>, 'CIDFontVersion': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547f08>, 'CharStrings': <fontTools.cffLib.CharStringsConverter instance at 0x1547af8>, 'CharstringType': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547da0>, 'Copyright': <fontTools.cffLib.Latin1Converter instance at 0x174a8a0>, 'Encoding': <fontTools.cffLib.EncodingConverter instance at 0x172cb70>, ...}
- decompilerClass = None
- defaults = {'CIDCount': 8720, 'CIDFontRevision': 0, 'CIDFontType': 0, 'CIDFontVersion': 0, 'CharstringType': 2, 'Encoding': 0, 'FontBBox': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'FontMatrix': [0.001, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0], 'ItalicAngle': 0, 'PaintType': 0, ...}
- order = ['ROS', 'SyntheticBase', 'version', 'Notice', 'Copyright', 'FullName', 'FontName', 'FamilyName', 'Weight', 'isFixedPitch', 'ItalicAngle', 'UnderlinePosition', 'UnderlineThickness', 'PaintType', 'CharstringType', 'FontMatrix', 'UniqueID', 'FontBBox', 'StrokeWidth', 'XUID', ...]
Methods inherited from BaseDict:
- __getattr__(self, name)
- decompile(self, data)
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
- getCompiler(self, strings, parent)
- postDecompile(self)
class FontDictCompiler(DictCompiler) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- getChildren(self, strings)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- opcodes = {'BaseFontBlend': ('\x0c\x17', 'delta'), 'BaseFontName': ('\x0c\x16', 'SID'), 'CIDCount': ('\x0c"', 'number'), 'CIDFontRevision': ('\x0c ', 'number'), 'CIDFontType': ('\x0c!', 'number'), 'CIDFontVersion': ('\x0c\x1f', 'number'), 'CharStrings': ('\x11', 'number'), 'CharstringType': ('\x0c\x06', 'number'), 'Copyright': ('\x0c\x00', 'SID'), 'Encoding': ('\x10', 'number'), ...}
Methods inherited from DictCompiler:
- __init__(self, dictObj, strings, parent)
- arg_SID(self, s)
- arg_array(self, value)
- arg_delta(self, value)
- arg_number(self, num)
- compile(self, reason)
- getDataLength(self)
- setPos(self, pos, endPos)
- toFile(self, file)
class GlobalSubrsIndex(Index) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, file=None, globalSubrs=None, private=None, fdSelect=None, fdArray=None)
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
- getItemAndSelector(self, index)
- produceItem(self, index, data, file, offset, size)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- compilerClass = <class fontTools.cffLib.GlobalSubrsCompiler at 0x1542d80>
Methods inherited from Index:
- __getitem__(self, index)
- __len__(self)
- append(self, item)
- getCompiler(self, strings, parent)
class Index |
This class represents what the CFF spec calls an INDEX. |
Methods defined here:
- __getitem__(self, index)
- __init__(self, file=None)
- __len__(self)
- append(self, item)
- getCompiler(self, strings, parent)
- produceItem(self, index, data, file, offset, size)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- compilerClass = <class fontTools.cffLib.IndexCompiler at 0x1542cc0>
class Latin1Converter(SimpleConverter) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
Methods inherited from SimpleConverter:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
class NumberConverter(SimpleConverter) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
Methods inherited from SimpleConverter:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
class PrivateDict(BaseDict) |
| |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- compilerClass = <class fontTools.cffLib.PrivateDictCompiler at 0x154be10>
- converters = {'BlueFuzz': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547c38>, 'BlueScale': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547be8>, 'BlueShift': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547c10>, 'BlueValues': <fontTools.cffLib.ArrayConverter instance at 0x1547b48>, 'ExpansionFactor': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x15478a0>, 'FamilyBlues': <fontTools.cffLib.ArrayConverter instance at 0x1547b98>, 'FamilyOtherBlues': <fontTools.cffLib.ArrayConverter instance at 0x1547bc0>, 'ForceBold': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547d00>, 'ForceBoldThreshold': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547800>, 'LanguageGroup': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547850>, ...}
- decompilerClass = <class fontTools.cffLib.PrivateDictDecompiler at 0x154bd50>
- defaults = {'BlueFuzz': 1, 'BlueScale': 0.039625, 'BlueShift': 7, 'ExpansionFactor': 0.059999999999999998, 'ForceBold': 0, 'LanguageGroup': 0, 'defaultWidthX': 0, 'initialRandomSeed': 0, 'nominalWidthX': 0}
- order = ['BlueValues', 'OtherBlues', 'FamilyBlues', 'FamilyOtherBlues', 'BlueScale', 'BlueShift', 'BlueFuzz', 'StdHW', 'StdVW', 'StemSnapH', 'StemSnapV', 'ForceBold', 'ForceBoldThreshold', 'lenIV', 'LanguageGroup', 'ExpansionFactor', 'initialRandomSeed', 'defaultWidthX', 'nominalWidthX', 'Subrs']
Methods inherited from BaseDict:
- __getattr__(self, name)
- __init__(self, strings=None, file=None, offset=None)
- decompile(self, data)
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
- getCompiler(self, strings, parent)
- postDecompile(self)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress)
class PrivateDictCompiler(DictCompiler) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- getChildren(self, strings)
- setPos(self, pos, endPos)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- opcodes = {'BlueFuzz': ('\x0c\x0b', 'number'), 'BlueScale': ('\x0c\t', 'number'), 'BlueShift': ('\x0c\n', 'number'), 'BlueValues': ('\x06', 'delta'), 'ExpansionFactor': ('\x0c\x12', 'number'), 'FamilyBlues': ('\x08', 'delta'), 'FamilyOtherBlues': ('\t', 'delta'), 'ForceBold': ('\x0c\x0e', 'number'), 'ForceBoldThreshold': ('\x0c\x0f', 'number'), 'LanguageGroup': ('\x0c\x11', 'number'), ...}
Methods inherited from DictCompiler:
- __init__(self, dictObj, strings, parent)
- arg_SID(self, s)
- arg_array(self, value)
- arg_delta(self, value)
- arg_number(self, num)
- compile(self, reason)
- getDataLength(self)
- toFile(self, file)
class PrivateDictConverter(TableConverter) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- PrivateDictConverter
- TableConverter
- SimpleConverter
Methods defined here:
- getClass(self)
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
Methods inherited from TableConverter:
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
class PrivateDictDecompiler(fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.DictDecompiler) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- PrivateDictDecompiler
- fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.DictDecompiler
- fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.ByteCodeBase
Data and other attributes defined here:
- operators = {6: ('BlueValues', 'delta'), 7: ('OtherBlues', 'delta'), 8: ('FamilyBlues', 'delta'), 9: ('FamilyOtherBlues', 'delta'), 10: ('StdHW', 'number'), 11: ('StdVW', 'number'), 19: ('Subrs', 'number'), 20: ('defaultWidthX', 'number'), 21: ('nominalWidthX', 'number'), (12, 9): ('BlueScale', 'number'), ...}
Methods inherited from fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.DictDecompiler:
- __init__(self, strings)
- arg_SID(self, name)
- arg_array(self, name)
- arg_delta(self, name)
- arg_number(self, name)
- decompile(self, data)
- do_operator(self, b0, data, index)
- getDict(self)
- handle_operator(self, operator, argType)
- pop(self)
- popall(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.DictDecompiler:
- operandEncoding = ['do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', ...]
Methods inherited from fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.ByteCodeBase:
- read_byte(self, b0, data, index)
- read_fixed1616(self, b0, data, index)
- read_longInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_realNumber(self, b0, data, index)
- read_shortInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt1(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt2(self, b0, data, index)
class ROSConverter(SimpleConverter) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
Methods inherited from SimpleConverter:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
class SimpleConverter |
| |
Methods defined here:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
class SubrsConverter(TableConverter) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- SubrsConverter
- TableConverter
- SimpleConverter
Methods defined here:
- getClass(self)
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
Methods inherited from TableConverter:
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
class SubrsIndex(GlobalSubrsIndex) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- SubrsIndex
- GlobalSubrsIndex
- Index
Data and other attributes defined here:
- compilerClass = <class fontTools.cffLib.SubrsCompiler at 0x1542db0>
Methods inherited from GlobalSubrsIndex:
- __init__(self, file=None, globalSubrs=None, private=None, fdSelect=None, fdArray=None)
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
- getItemAndSelector(self, index)
- produceItem(self, index, data, file, offset, size)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress)
Methods inherited from Index:
- __getitem__(self, index)
- __len__(self)
- append(self, item)
- getCompiler(self, strings, parent)
class TableConverter(SimpleConverter) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent)
- xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress)
Methods inherited from SimpleConverter:
- read(self, parent, value)
- write(self, parent, value)
class TopDict(BaseDict) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, strings=None, file=None, offset=None, GlobalSubrs=None)
- decompileAllCharStrings(self, progress)
- getGlyphOrder(self)
- postDecompile(self)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- compilerClass = <class fontTools.cffLib.TopDictCompiler at 0x154bdb0>
- converters = {'BaseFontBlend': <fontTools.cffLib.ArrayConverter instance at 0x1547ee0>, 'BaseFontName': <fontTools.cffLib.SimpleConverter instance at 0x1547eb8>, 'CIDCount': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547f80>, 'CIDFontRevision': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547f30>, 'CIDFontType': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547f58>, 'CIDFontVersion': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547f08>, 'CharStrings': <fontTools.cffLib.CharStringsConverter instance at 0x1547af8>, 'CharstringType': <fontTools.cffLib.NumberConverter instance at 0x1547da0>, 'Copyright': <fontTools.cffLib.Latin1Converter instance at 0x174a8a0>, 'Encoding': <fontTools.cffLib.EncodingConverter instance at 0x172cb70>, ...}
- decompilerClass = <class fontTools.cffLib.TopDictDecompiler at 0x154bd20>
- defaults = {'CIDCount': 8720, 'CIDFontRevision': 0, 'CIDFontType': 0, 'CIDFontVersion': 0, 'CharstringType': 2, 'Encoding': 0, 'FontBBox': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'FontMatrix': [0.001, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0], 'ItalicAngle': 0, 'PaintType': 0, ...}
- order = ['ROS', 'SyntheticBase', 'version', 'Notice', 'Copyright', 'FullName', 'FontName', 'FamilyName', 'Weight', 'isFixedPitch', 'ItalicAngle', 'UnderlinePosition', 'UnderlineThickness', 'PaintType', 'CharstringType', 'FontMatrix', 'UniqueID', 'FontBBox', 'StrokeWidth', 'XUID', ...]
Methods inherited from BaseDict:
- __getattr__(self, name)
- decompile(self, data)
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
- getCompiler(self, strings, parent)
class TopDictCompiler(DictCompiler) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- getChildren(self, strings)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- opcodes = {'BaseFontBlend': ('\x0c\x17', 'delta'), 'BaseFontName': ('\x0c\x16', 'SID'), 'CIDCount': ('\x0c"', 'number'), 'CIDFontRevision': ('\x0c ', 'number'), 'CIDFontType': ('\x0c!', 'number'), 'CIDFontVersion': ('\x0c\x1f', 'number'), 'CharStrings': ('\x11', 'number'), 'CharstringType': ('\x0c\x06', 'number'), 'Copyright': ('\x0c\x00', 'SID'), 'Encoding': ('\x10', 'number'), ...}
Methods inherited from DictCompiler:
- __init__(self, dictObj, strings, parent)
- arg_SID(self, s)
- arg_array(self, value)
- arg_delta(self, value)
- arg_number(self, num)
- compile(self, reason)
- getDataLength(self)
- setPos(self, pos, endPos)
- toFile(self, file)
class TopDictDecompiler(fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.DictDecompiler) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- TopDictDecompiler
- fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.DictDecompiler
- fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.ByteCodeBase
Data and other attributes defined here:
- operators = {0: ('version', 'SID'), 1: ('Notice', 'SID'), 2: ('FullName', 'SID'), 3: ('FamilyName', 'SID'), 4: ('Weight', 'SID'), 5: ('FontBBox', 'array'), 13: ('UniqueID', 'number'), 14: ('XUID', 'array'), 15: ('charset', 'number'), 16: ('Encoding', 'number'), ...}
Methods inherited from fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.DictDecompiler:
- __init__(self, strings)
- arg_SID(self, name)
- arg_array(self, name)
- arg_delta(self, name)
- arg_number(self, name)
- decompile(self, data)
- do_operator(self, b0, data, index)
- getDict(self)
- handle_operator(self, operator, argType)
- pop(self)
- popall(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.DictDecompiler:
- operandEncoding = ['do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', ...]
Methods inherited from fontTools.misc.psCharStrings.ByteCodeBase:
- read_byte(self, b0, data, index)
- read_fixed1616(self, b0, data, index)
- read_longInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_realNumber(self, b0, data, index)
- read_shortInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt1(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt2(self, b0, data, index)
class TopDictIndex(Index) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- produceItem(self, index, data, file, offset, size)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- compilerClass = <class fontTools.cffLib.TopDictIndexCompiler at 0x1542d20>
Methods inherited from Index:
- __getitem__(self, index)
- __init__(self, file=None)
- __len__(self)
- append(self, item)
- getCompiler(self, strings, parent)