
Keyword index of this site


Building accents: use RoboFab to build accented glyphs with components.


I Agree!: agreed.
RoboFab License Agreement: some legal points.


RAnchor: a connection point for Components


Building accents: use RoboFab to build accented glyphs with components.
RContour: belongs to a Glyph, contains Segments
RComponent: belongs to a Glyph, refers to other Glyphs


Understanding Contours: how contours, segments and points work.
Using transformations: matrix transformations in RoboFab
RAnchor: a connection point for Components
RPoint: a point on a Contour
RContour: belongs to a Glyph, contains Segments
RSegment: a part of a Contour, a series of severall off and one oncurve Points
RComponent: belongs to a Glyph, refers to other Glyphs
bPoint: a point on a Contour which behaves like a RoboFog point


Generate Fonts: how to generate fonts with RoboFab in FontLab.
RFont: contains Glyphs, names, kerning, data
RLib: part of a Font, contains all arbitrary data


FontLab Remote: use AppleEvents to control FontLab in Mac OSX


Glossary: index of words and terminology.
Glossary: NoneLab: Glossary term
Glossary: GlyphMath: Glossary term


Using transformations: matrix transformations in RoboFab
Using Glyph Math: applying math operators on glyph objects.
RContour: belongs to a Glyph, contains Segments
RGlyph: belongs to a Font, contains contours, components etc.
Pen objects: about Pen objects
RFont: contains Glyphs, names, kerning, data
RComponent: belongs to a Glyph, refers to other Glyphs
RLib: part of a Font, contains all arbitrary data


Using Glyph Math: applying math operators on glyph objects.
RGlyph: belongs to a Font, contains contours, components etc.
Glossary: GlyphMath: Glossary term


Glossary: index of words and terminology.
Glossary: NoneLab: Glossary term


How To: A couple of cases and examples
Using Pens: playing with pen objects.
How to get to FontLab stuff: the naked methods and attributes
The world module: what on earth is it for?
Generate Fonts: how to generate fonts with RoboFab in FontLab.
Understanding Contours: how contours, segments and points work.
FontLab Remote: use AppleEvents to control FontLab in Mac OSX
Scripting: simple examples.
Using the lib: make the glyph.lib and font.lib work for you.
Building accents: use RoboFab to build accented glyphs with components.

howto export ufo font

How to make a UFO: export and import UFO's in FontLab

howto glyph ufo export

Glyphnames versus GLIF-names: how to use Robofab's glyph naming schemes for UFO export

howto interpolate glyph font

How to interpolate: how to do interpolation with RoboFab objects.


RInfo: part of a Font, contains all names, dimensions
RInfo: part of a Font, contains all names, dimensions
RFont: contains Glyphs, names, kerning, data


Download: Download RoboFab installers
RoboFab License Agreement: some legal points.


How To: A couple of cases and examples
How to get to FontLab stuff: the naked methods and attributes


RKerning: part of a Font, contains all kerning data
RFont: contains Glyphs, names, kerning, data


Download: Download RoboFab installers
RoboFab License Agreement: some legal points.


FontLab Remote: use AppleEvents to control FontLab in Mac OSX
Using the lib: make the glyph.lib and font.lib work for you.
RLib: part of a Font, contains all arbitrary data


Download: Download RoboFab installers
RoboFab License Agreement: some legal points.


Using transformations: matrix transformations in RoboFab


RKerning: part of a Font, contains all kerning data


RInfo: part of a Font, contains all names, dimensions


RAnchor: a connection point for Components
Objects: Overview of the objects, their methods and attributes
RPoint: a point on a Contour
Object model: a map of the structure.
RInfo: part of a Font, contains all names, dimensions
RContour: belongs to a Glyph, contains Segments
RSegment: a part of a Contour, a series of severall off and one oncurve Points
RGlyph: belongs to a Font, contains contours, components etc.
Pen objects: about Pen objects
RKerning: part of a Font, contains all kerning data
RFont: contains Glyphs, names, kerning, data
RComponent: belongs to a Glyph, refers to other Glyphs
RLib: part of a Font, contains all arbitrary data
bPoint: a point on a Contour which behaves like a RoboFog point


Using Pens: playing with pen objects.
Pen objects: about Pen objects


Understanding Contours: how contours, segments and points work.
Using transformations: matrix transformations in RoboFab
RPoint: a point on a Contour


Scripting: simple examples.


Understanding Contours: how contours, segments and points work.
RSegment: a part of a Contour, a series of severall off and one oncurve Points
bPoint: a point on a Contour which behaves like a RoboFog point


Using transformations: matrix transformations in RoboFab


The world module: what on earth is it for?