
RoboFab Anchor


f = CurrentFont()
for c  in f:
	if len(c.anchors) > 0:
		print c, c.anchors
>>> < RGlyph for RoboFab Demo Font.A > 
	[ < RAnchor for RoboFab Demo Font.A.anchors[0] >]


Anchors are single points in a glyph which are not part of a contour. Anchors have a name and a position, and they're used as connection points for Components. In FontLab the anchors have a special appearance and can be edited. Anchors are stored in GLIF as single, named, moveto's. i.e. any single, named moveto in GLIF will become an anchor in FontLab. RoboFab's own font.generateGlyph() also uses the anchors to assemble the components.


Attribute examples

c = CurrentGlyph()
if len(c.anchors) > 0:
	for a in c.anchors:
		print a.position    


Method examples

#method examples