| |
- ByteCodeBase
- DictDecompiler
- T2CharString
- T1CharString
- exceptions.Exception
- CharStringCompileError
- SimpleT2Decompiler
- T2OutlineExtractor
- T1OutlineExtractor
class ByteCodeBase |
| |
Methods defined here:
- read_byte(self, b0, data, index)
- read_fixed1616(self, b0, data, index)
- read_longInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_realNumber(self, b0, data, index)
- read_shortInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt1(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt2(self, b0, data, index)
class DictDecompiler(ByteCodeBase) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, strings)
- arg_SID(self, name)
- arg_array(self, name)
- arg_delta(self, name)
- arg_number(self, name)
- decompile(self, data)
- do_operator(self, b0, data, index)
- getDict(self)
- handle_operator(self, operator, argType)
- pop(self)
- popall(self)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- operandEncoding = ['do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', ...]
Methods inherited from ByteCodeBase:
- read_byte(self, b0, data, index)
- read_fixed1616(self, b0, data, index)
- read_longInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_realNumber(self, b0, data, index)
- read_shortInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt1(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt2(self, b0, data, index)
class SimpleT2Decompiler |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, localSubrs, globalSubrs)
- countHints(self)
- execute(self, charString)
- op_callgsubr(self, index)
- op_callsubr(self, index)
- op_cntrmask = op_hintmask(self, index)
- op_endchar(self, index)
- op_hintmask(self, index)
- op_hstem(self, index)
- op_hstemhm(self, index)
- op_return(self, index)
- op_vstem(self, index)
- op_vstemhm(self, index)
- pop(self)
- popall(self)
- push(self, value)
- reset(self)
class T1CharString(T2CharString) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- T1CharString
- T2CharString
- ByteCodeBase
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, bytecode=None, program=None, subrs=None)
- decompile(self)
- draw(self, pen)
- getFixedEncoder(self)
- getIntEncoder(self)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- opcodes = {'callothersubr': (12, 16), 'callsubr': (10,), 'closepath': (9,), 'div': (12, 12), 'dotsection': (12, 0), 'endchar': (14,), 'hlineto': (6,), 'hmoveto': (22,), 'hsbw': (13,), 'hstem': (1,), ...}
- operandEncoding = ['do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', ...]
- operators = {1: 'hstem', 3: 'vstem', 4: 'vmoveto', 5: 'rlineto', 6: 'hlineto', 7: 'vlineto', 8: 'rrcurveto', 9: 'closepath', 10: 'callsubr', 11: 'return', ...}
Methods inherited from T2CharString:
- __repr__(self)
- compile(self)
- do_operator(self, b0, data, index)
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
- getBytes(self, index, nBytes)
- getToken(self, index, len=<built-in function len>, ord=<built-in function ord>, getattr=<built-in function getattr>, type=<type 'type'>, StringType=<type 'str'>)
- needsDecompilation(self)
- setBytecode(self, bytecode)
- setProgram(self, program)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter)
Methods inherited from ByteCodeBase:
- read_byte(self, b0, data, index)
- read_fixed1616(self, b0, data, index)
- read_longInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_realNumber(self, b0, data, index)
- read_shortInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt1(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt2(self, b0, data, index)
class T1OutlineExtractor(T2OutlineExtractor) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- T1OutlineExtractor
- T2OutlineExtractor
- SimpleT2Decompiler
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, pen, subrs)
- doFlex(self)
- endPath(self)
- exch(self)
- op_callothersubr(self, index)
- op_callsubr(self, index)
- op_closepath(self, index)
- op_dotsection(self, index)
- op_endchar(self, index)
- op_hmoveto(self, index)
- op_hsbw(self, index)
- op_hstem3(self, index)
- op_pop(self, index)
- op_rmoveto(self, index)
- # path constructors
- op_sbw(self, index)
- op_seac(self, index)
- asb adx ady bchar achar seac
- op_setcurrentpoint(self, index)
- op_vmoveto(self, index)
- op_vstem3(self, index)
- popallWidth(self, evenOdd=0)
- reset(self)
Methods inherited from T2OutlineExtractor:
- alternatingLineto(self, isHorizontal)
- # miscelaneous helpers
- closePath(self)
- countHints(self)
- hcurveto(self, args)
- op_abs(self, index)
- op_add(self, index)
- op_and(self, index)
- # misc
- op_blend(self, index)
- # MultipleMaster. Well...
- op_div(self, index)
- op_drop(self, index)
- op_dup(self, index)
- op_eq(self, index)
- op_exch(self, index)
- op_flex(self, index)
- op_flex1(self, index)
- op_get(self, index)
- op_hflex(self, index)
- # path constructors, flex
- op_hflex1(self, index)
- op_hhcurveto(self, index)
- dy1? {dxa dxb dyb dxc}+ hhcurveto
- op_hlineto(self, index)
- op_hvcurveto(self, index)
- dx1 dx2 dy2 dy3 {dya dxb dyb dxc dxd dxe dye dyf}* dxf?
{dxa dxb dyb dyc dyd dxe dye dxf}+ dyf?
- op_ifelse(self, index)
- op_index(self, index)
- op_load(self, index)
- op_mul(self, index)
- op_neg(self, index)
- op_not(self, index)
- op_or(self, index)
- op_put(self, index)
- op_random(self, index)
- op_rcurveline(self, index)
- {dxa dya dxb dyb dxc dyc}+ dxd dyd rcurveline
- op_rlinecurve(self, index)
- {dxa dya}+ dxb dyb dxc dyc dxd dyd rlinecurve
- op_rlineto(self, index)
- # path constructors, lines
- op_roll(self, index)
- op_rrcurveto(self, index)
- {dxa dya dxb dyb dxc dyc}+ rrcurveto
- op_sqrt(self, index)
- op_store(self, index)
- op_sub(self, index)
- op_vhcurveto(self, index)
- dy1 dx2 dy2 dx3 {dxa dxb dyb dyc dyd dxe dye dxf}* dyf? vhcurveto (30)
{dya dxb dyb dxc dxd dxe dye dyf}+ dxf? vhcurveto
- op_vlineto(self, index)
- op_vvcurveto(self, index)
- dx1? {dya dxb dyb dyc}+ vvcurveto
- rCurveTo(self, pt1, pt2, pt3)
- rLineTo(self, point)
- rMoveTo(self, point)
- vcurveto(self, args)
Methods inherited from SimpleT2Decompiler:
- execute(self, charString)
- op_callgsubr(self, index)
- op_cntrmask = op_hintmask(self, index)
- op_hintmask(self, index)
- op_hstem(self, index)
- op_hstemhm(self, index)
- op_return(self, index)
- op_vstem(self, index)
- op_vstemhm(self, index)
- pop(self)
- popall(self)
- push(self, value)
class T2CharString(ByteCodeBase) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, bytecode=None, program=None, private=None, globalSubrs=None)
- __repr__(self)
- compile(self)
- decompile(self)
- do_operator(self, b0, data, index)
- draw(self, pen)
- fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content))
- getBytes(self, index, nBytes)
- getFixedEncoder(self)
- getIntEncoder(self)
- getToken(self, index, len=<built-in function len>, ord=<built-in function ord>, getattr=<built-in function getattr>, type=<type 'type'>, StringType=<type 'str'>)
- needsDecompilation(self)
- setBytecode(self, bytecode)
- setProgram(self, program)
- toXML(self, xmlWriter)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- opcodes = {'abs': (12, 9), 'add': (12, 10), 'and': (12, 3), 'blend': (16,), 'callgsubr': (29,), 'callsubr': (10,), 'cntrmask': (20,), 'div': (12, 12), 'drop': (12, 18), 'dup': (12, 27), ...}
- operandEncoding = ['do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', 'do_operator', ...]
- operators = {1: 'hstem', 3: 'vstem', 4: 'vmoveto', 5: 'rlineto', 6: 'hlineto', 7: 'vlineto', 8: 'rrcurveto', 10: 'callsubr', 11: 'return', 14: 'endchar', ...}
Methods inherited from ByteCodeBase:
- read_byte(self, b0, data, index)
- read_fixed1616(self, b0, data, index)
- read_longInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_realNumber(self, b0, data, index)
- read_shortInt(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt1(self, b0, data, index)
- read_smallInt2(self, b0, data, index)
class T2OutlineExtractor(SimpleT2Decompiler) |
| |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, pen, localSubrs, globalSubrs, nominalWidthX, defaultWidthX)
- alternatingLineto(self, isHorizontal)
- # miscelaneous helpers
- closePath(self)
- countHints(self)
- endPath(self)
- hcurveto(self, args)
- op_abs(self, index)
- op_add(self, index)
- op_and(self, index)
- # misc
- op_blend(self, index)
- # MultipleMaster. Well...
- op_div(self, index)
- op_drop(self, index)
- op_dup(self, index)
- op_endchar(self, index)
- op_eq(self, index)
- op_exch(self, index)
- op_flex(self, index)
- op_flex1(self, index)
- op_get(self, index)
- op_hflex(self, index)
- # path constructors, flex
- op_hflex1(self, index)
- op_hhcurveto(self, index)
- dy1? {dxa dxb dyb dxc}+ hhcurveto
- op_hlineto(self, index)
- op_hmoveto(self, index)
- op_hvcurveto(self, index)
- dx1 dx2 dy2 dy3 {dya dxb dyb dxc dxd dxe dye dyf}* dxf?
{dxa dxb dyb dyc dyd dxe dye dxf}+ dyf?
- op_ifelse(self, index)
- op_index(self, index)
- op_load(self, index)
- op_mul(self, index)
- op_neg(self, index)
- op_not(self, index)
- op_or(self, index)
- op_put(self, index)
- op_random(self, index)
- op_rcurveline(self, index)
- {dxa dya dxb dyb dxc dyc}+ dxd dyd rcurveline
- op_rlinecurve(self, index)
- {dxa dya}+ dxb dyb dxc dyc dxd dyd rlinecurve
- op_rlineto(self, index)
- # path constructors, lines
- op_rmoveto(self, index)
- # path constructors, moveto
- op_roll(self, index)
- op_rrcurveto(self, index)
- {dxa dya dxb dyb dxc dyc}+ rrcurveto
- op_sqrt(self, index)
- op_store(self, index)
- op_sub(self, index)
- op_vhcurveto(self, index)
- dy1 dx2 dy2 dx3 {dxa dxb dyb dyc dyd dxe dye dxf}* dyf? vhcurveto (30)
{dya dxb dyb dxc dxd dxe dye dyf}+ dxf? vhcurveto
- op_vlineto(self, index)
- op_vmoveto(self, index)
- op_vvcurveto(self, index)
- dx1? {dya dxb dyb dyc}+ vvcurveto
- popallWidth(self, evenOdd=0)
- rCurveTo(self, pt1, pt2, pt3)
- rLineTo(self, point)
- rMoveTo(self, point)
- reset(self)
- vcurveto(self, args)
Methods inherited from SimpleT2Decompiler:
- execute(self, charString)
- op_callgsubr(self, index)
- op_callsubr(self, index)
- op_cntrmask = op_hintmask(self, index)
- op_hintmask(self, index)
- op_hstem(self, index)
- op_hstemhm(self, index)
- op_return(self, index)
- op_vstem(self, index)
- op_vstemhm(self, index)
- pop(self)
- popall(self)
- push(self, value)
| |