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S t o r a g e ( C O O K I E _ N A M E ) ; t h i s . _ o p t s = o p t s ; t h i s . _ r a t e = ( o p t s . r a t e ! = = u n d e f i n e d ) ? + o p t s . r a t e : D E F A U L T _ R A T E ; t h i s . _ s t a r t T s = ( o p t s . s t a r t ! = = u n d e f i n e d ) ? n e w D a t e ( o p t s . s t a r t ) . g e t T i m e ( ) : n e w D a t e ( D E F A U L T _ S T A R T ) . g e t T i m e ( ) ; t h i s . _ e n d T s = ( o p t s . e n d ! = = u n d e f i n e d ) ? n e w D a t e ( o p t s . e n d ) . g e t T i m e ( ) : d a y s F r o m N o w ( R O L L I N G _ P E R I O D _ D A Y S ) ; t h i s . _ s i g n u p E n d T s = ( o p t s . s i g n u p E n d ! = = u n d e f i n e d ) ? n e w D a t e ( o p t s . s i g n u p E n d ) . g e t T i m e ( ) : t h i s . _ e n d T s ; t h i s . _ s e g m e n t = n u l l ; i f ( t y p e o f i d ! = = " s t r i n g " ) { t h r o w n e w E r r o r ( " I n v a l i d A r g u m e n t : i d m u s t b e d e f i n e d a n d b e a s t r i n g " ) } i f ( O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . t o S t r i n g . c a l l ( s e g m e n t s ) ! = = " [ o b j e c t A r r a y ] " ) { t h r o w n e w E r r o r ( " I n v a l i d A r g u m e n t : S e g m e n t s a r e r e q u i r e d . " ) } i f ( o p t s . r a t e ! = = u n d e f i n e d & & ( o p t s . r a t e < 0 | | o p t s . r a t e > 1 ) ) { t h r o w n e w E r r o r ( " I n v a l i d A r g u m e n t : R a t e m u s t b e b e t w e e n 0 a n d 1 . " ) } i f ( t h i s . _ s t a r t T s > t h i s . _ e n d T s ) { t h r o w n e w E r r o r ( " I n v a l i d A r g u m e n t : e n d d a t e m u s t o c c u r a f t e r s t a r t d a t e . " ) } i f ( ! ( t h i s . _ s t a r t T s < t h i s . _ s i g n u p E n d T s & & t h i s . _ s i g n u p E n d T s < = t h i s . _ e n d T s ) ) { t h r o w n e w E r r o r ( " I n v a l i d A r g u m e n t : S i g n u p E n d m u s t b e b e t w e e n s t a r t a n d e n d d a t e " ) } r e m o v e E x p i r e d . c a l l ( t h i s , n o w ) ; v a r o v e r r i d e s = w i n d o w . b b c c o o k i e s . g e t ( ) . m a t c h ( / c k n s _ m a n d o l i n _ s e t S e g m e n t s = ( [ ^ ; ] + ) / ) ; i f ( o v e r r i d e s ! = = n u l l ) { e v a l ( " o v e r r i d e s = " + d e c o d e U R I C o m p o n e n t ( R e g E x p . $ 1 ) + " ; " ) ; i f ( o v e r r i d e s [ t h i s . _ i d ] & & t h i s . _ s e g m e n t S e t . i n d e x O f ( o v e r r i d e s [ t h i s . _ i d ] ) = = - 1 ) { t h r o w n e w E r r o r ( " I n v a l i d O v e r r i d e : o v e r r i d d e n s e g m e n t s h o u l d e x i s t i n s e g m e n t s a r r a y " ) } } i f ( o v e r r i d e s ! = = n u l l & & o v e r r i d e s [ t h i s . _ i d ] ) { t h i s . _ s e g m e n t = o v e r r i d e s [ t h i s . _ i d ] } e l s e { i f ( ( s t o r e d I t e m = t h i s . _ s t o r e . g e t I t e m ( t h i s . _ i d ) ) ) { t h i s . _ s e g m e n t = s t o r e d I t e m . s e g m e n t } e l s e { i f ( t h i s . _ s t a r t T s < = n o w & & n o w < t h i s . _ s i g n u p E n d T s & & n o w < = t h i s . _ e n d T s & & t h i s . _ s t o r e . i s E n a b l e d ( ) = = = t r u e ) { t h i s . _ s e g m e n t = p i c k ( s e g m e n t s , t h i s . _ r a t e ) ; i f ( o p t s . e n d = = = u n d e f i n e d ) { t h i s . _ s t o r e . s e t I t e m ( t h i s . _ i d , { s e g m e n t : t h i s . _ s e g m e n t } ) } e l s e { t h i s . _ s t o r e . s e t I t e m ( t h i s . _ i d , { s e g m e n t : t h i s . _ s e g m e n t , e n d : t h i s . _ e n d T s } ) } l o g . c a l l ( t h i s , " m a n d o l i n _ s e g m e n t " ) } } } l o g . c a l l ( t h i s , " m a n d o l i n _ v i e w " ) } ; w i n d o w . b b c . M a n d o l i n . p r o t o t y p e . g e t S e g m e n t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . _ s e g m e n t } ; f u n c t i o n l o g ( a c t i o n T y p e , p a r a m s ) { v a r t h a t = t h i s ; r e q u i r e ( [ " i s t a t s - 1 " ] , f u n c t i o n ( i s t a t s ) { i s t a t s . l o g ( a c t i o n T y p e , t h a t . _ i d + " : " + t h a t . _ s e g m e n t , p a r a m s ? p a r a m s : { } ) } ) } f u n c t i o n r e m o v e E x p i r e d ( e x p i r e s ) { v a r i t e m s = t h i s . _ s t o r e . g e t I t e m s ( ) , e x p i r e s I n t = + e x p i r e s ; f o r ( v a r k e y i n i t e m s ) { i f ( i t e m s [ k e y ] . e n d ! = = u n d e f i n e d & & + i t e m s [ k e y ] . e n d < e x p i r e s I n t ) { t h i s . _ s t o r e . r e m o v e I t e m ( k e y ) } } } f u n c t i o n g e t L a s t E x p i r a t i o n D a t e ( d a t a ) { v a r w i n n e r = 0 , r o l l i n g E x p i r e = d a y s F r o m N o w ( R O L L I N G _ P E R I O D _ D A Y S ) ; f o r ( v a r k e y i n d a t a ) { i f ( d a t a [ k e y ] . e n d = = = u n d e f i n e d & & r o l l i n g E x p i r e > w i n n e r ) { w i n n e r = r o l l i n g E x p i r e } e l s e { i f ( + d a t a [ k e y ] . e n d > w i n n e r ) { w i n n e r = + d a t a [ k e y ] . e n d } } } r e t u r n ( w i n n e r ) ? n e w D a t e ( w i n n e r ) : n e w D a t e ( r o l l i n g E x p i r e ) } w i n d o w . b b c . M a n d o l i n . p r o t o t y p e . l o g = f u n c t i o n ( p a r a m s ) { l o g . c a l l ( t h i s , " m a n d o l i n _ l o g " , p a r a m s ) } ; w i n d o w . b b c . M a n d o l i n . p r o t o t y p e . c o n v e r t = f u n c t i o n ( p a r a m s ) { l o g . c a l l ( t h i s , " m a n d o l i n _ c o n v e r t " , p a r a m s ) ; t h i s . c o n v e r t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { } } ; f u n c t i o n d a y s F r o m N o w ( n ) { v a r e n d D a t e ; e n d D a t e = n e w D a t e ( ) . g e t T i m e ( ) + ( n * 6 0 * 6 0 * 2 4 ) * 1 0 0 0 ; r e t u r n e n d D a t e } f u n c t i o n p i c k ( s e g m e n t s , r a t e ) { v a r p i c k e d , m i n = 0 , m a x = s e g m e n t s . l e n g t h - 1 ; i f ( t y p e o f r a t e = = = " n u m b e r " & & M a t h . r a n d o m ( ) > r a t e ) { r e t u r n n u l l } d o { p i c k e d = M a t h . f l o o r ( M a t h . r a n d o m ( ) * ( m a x - m i n + 1 ) ) + m i n } w h i l e ( p i c k e d > m a x ) ; r e t u r n s e g m e n t s [ p i c k e d ] } w i n d o w . b b c . M a n d o l i n . S t o r a g e = f u n c t i o n ( n a m e ) { v a l i d a t e C o o k i e N a m e ( n a m e ) ; t h i s . _ c o o k i e N a m e = n a m e ; t h i s . _ i s E n a b l e d = ( b b c c o o k i e s . i s A l l o w e d ( t h i s . _ c o o k i e N a m e ) = = = t r u e & & b b c c o o k i e s . c o o k i e s E n a b l e d ( ) = = = t r u e ) } ; w i n d o w . b b c . M a n d o l i n . S t o r a g e . p r o t o t y p e . s e t I t e m = f u n c t i o n ( k e y , v a l u e ) { v a r s t o r e D a t a = t h i s . g e t I t e m s ( ) ; s t o r e D a t a [ k e y ] = v a l u e ; t h i s . s a v e ( s t o r e D a t a ) ; r e t u r n v a l u e } ; w i n d o w . b b c . M a n d o l i n . S t o r a g e . p r o t o t y p e . i s E n a b l e d = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . _ i s E n a b l e d } ; w i n d o w . b b c . M a n d o l i n . S t o r a g e . p r o t o t y p e . g e t I t e m = f u n c t i o n ( k e y ) { v a r s t o r e D a t a = t h i s . g e t I t e m s ( ) ; r e t u r n s t o r e D a t a [ k e y ] } ; w i n d o w . b b c . M a n d o l i n . S t o r a g e . p r o t o t y p e . r e m o v e I t e m = f
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[ e n d i f ] - - > ' , a l l [ 0 ] ) ; r e t u r n v > 4 ? v : u n d e f ; } ( ) ) ; v a r m o d e r n D e v i c e = ' q u e r y S e l e c t o r ' i n d o c u m e n t & & ' l o c a l S t o r a g e ' i n w i n d o w & & ' a d d E v e n t L i s t e n e r ' i n w i n d o w , f o r c e C o r e = d o c u m e n t . c o o k i e . i n d e x O f ( ' c k p s _ f o r c e _ c o r e ' ) ! = = - 1 ; w i n d o w . c u t s T h e M u s t a r d = m o d e r n D e v i c e & & ! f o r c e C o r e ; i f ( w i n d o w . c u t s T h e M u s t a r d ) { d o c u m e n t . d o c u m e n t E l e m e n t . c l a s s N a m e + = ' c t m ' ; v a r i n s e r t P o i n t = d o c u m e n t . g e t E l e m e n t B y I d ( ' n e w s - l o a d e r ' ) , c o n f i g = { " a s s e t " : { " a s s e t _ i d " : " 3 6 1 0 8 1 6 6 " , " a s s e t _ u r i " : " \ / n e w s \ / b u s i n e s s - 3 6 1 0 8 1 6 6 " , " f i r s t _ c r e a t e d " : { " d a t e " : " 2 0 1 6 - 0 4 - 2 1 2 2 : 5 8 : 4 7 " , " t i m e z o n e _ t y p e " : 3 , " t i m e z o n e " : " E u r o p e \ / L o n d o n " } , " l a s t _ u p d a t e d " : { " d a t e " : " 2 0 1 6 - 0 4 - 2 2 0 4 : 4 0 : 1 5 " , " t i m e z o n e _ t y p e " : 3 , " t i m e z o n e " : " E u r o p e \ / L o n d o n " } , " o p t i o n s " : { " a l l o w R i g h t H a n d S i d e " : t r u e , " a l l o w R e l a t e d S t o r i e s B o x " : t r u e , " i n c l u d e C o m m e n t s " : f a l s e , " i s I g o r S e o T a g s E n a b l e d " : f a l s e , " h a s N e w s T r a c k e r " : f a l s e , " a l l o w A d v e r t i s i n g " : t r u e , " h a s C o n t e n t W a r n i n g " : f a l s e , " a l l o w D a t e S t a m p " : t r u e , " a l l o w H e a d l i n e " : t r u e , " i s K e y C o n t e n t " : f a l s e , " a l l o w P r i n t i n g S h a r i n g L i n k s " : t r u e , " i s B r e a k i n g N e w s " : f a l s e , " s u i t a b l e F o r S y n d i c a t i o n " : t r u e } , " s e c t i o n " : { " n a m e " : " B u s i n e s s " , " i d " : " 9 9 1 0 4 " , " u r i " : " \ / n e w s \ / b u s i n e s s " , " u r l I d e n t i f i e r " : " \ / n e w s \ / b u s i n e s s " } , " e d i t i o n " : " A s i a " , " a u d i e n c e " : n u l l , " i S t a t s _ c o u n t e r _ n a m e " : " n e w s . b u s i n e s s . s t o r y . 3 6 1 0 8 1 6 6 . p a g e " , " t y p e " : " S T Y " , " c u r i e " : " a s s e t : 1 8 b 6 4 e 4 1 - 8 d 3 5 - 7 2 4 7 - b 1 5 0 - 5 3 6 1 5 9 8 2 f 7 b 8 " , " l e n g t h " : 2 1 3 9 , " b y l i n e " : { } , " h e a d l i n e " : " M i c r o s o f t W i n d o w s h u r t b y P C s a l e s s l u m p " , " m e d i a T y p e " : n u l l } , " s m p B r a n d " : n u l l , " s t a t i c H o s t " : " h t t p : \ / \ / s t a t i c . b b c i . c o . u k " , " e n v i r o n m e n t " : " l i v e " , " l o c a t o r V e r s i o n " : " 0 . 4 6 . 3 " , " p a t h P r e f i x " : " \ / n e w s " , " s t a t i c P r e f i x " : " h t t p : \ / \ / s t a t i c . b b c i . c o . u k \ / n e w s \ / 1 . 1 2 1 . 1 3 3 " , " j s P a t h " : " h t t p : \ / \ / s t a t i c . b b c i . c o . u k \ / n e w s \ / 1 . 1 2 1 . 1 3 3 \ / j s " , " c s s P a t h " : " h t t p : \ / \ / s t a t i c . b b c i . c o . u k \ / n e w s \ / 1 . 1 2 1 . 1 3 3 \ / s t y l e s h e e t s \ / s e r v i c e s \ / n e w s " , " c s s P o s t f i x " : " " , " d y n a m i c " : n u l l , " f e a t u r e s " : { " l o c a l n e w s " : t r u e , " v i d e o " : t r u e , " l i v e e v e n t c o m p o n e n t " : t r u e , " m e d i a a s s e t p a g e " : t r u e , " t r a v e l " : t r u e , " g a l l e r y " : t r u e , " r o l l i n g n e w s " : t r u e , " s p o r t s t o r i e s " : t r u e , " r a d i o p r o m o " : t r u e , " f r o m o t h e r n e w s s i t e s " : t r u e , " l o c a l l i v e " : t r u e , " w e a t h e r " : t r u e } , " f e a t u r e s 2 " : { " s v g _ b r a n d " : t r u e , " c h a r t b e a t " : t r u e , " c h a r t b e a t _ m v t " : t r u e , " c o n n e c t e d _ s t r e a m " : t r u e , " c o n n e c t e d _ s t r e a m _ p r o m o " : t r u e , " n a v " : t r u e , " p u l s e _ s u r v e y " : f a l s e , " l o c a l _ s u r v e y " : t r u e , " c o r r e s p o n d e n t s " : t r u e , " b l o g s " : t r u e , " o p e n _ g r a p h " : t r u e , " f o l l o w _ u s " : t r u e , " m a r k e t d a t a _ m a r k e t s " : t r u e , " m a r k e t d a t a _ s h a r e s " : t r u e , " n a t i o n s _ p s e u d o _ n a v " : t r u e , " p o l i t i c s _ e l e c t i o n 2 0 1 5 _ t o p i c _ p a g e s " : t r u e , " p o l i t i c s _ e u _ r e f e r e n d u m " : t r u e , " r e s p o n s i v e _ b r e a k i n g _ n e w s " : t r u e , " l i v e _ e v e n t " : t r u e , " m o s t _ p o p u l a r " : t r u e , " m o s t _ p o p u l a r _ t a b s " : t r u e , " m o s t _ p o p u l a r _ b y _ d a y " : t r u e , " r o u t i n g " : t r u e , " r a d i o p r o m o n o w n e x t " : t r u e , " c o n f i g _ b a s e d _ l a y o u t " : t r u e , " o r b " : t r u e , " m a p _ m o s t _ w a t c h e d " : t r u e , " t o p _ s t o r i e s _ p r o m o " : t r u e , " f e a t u r e s _ a n d _ a n a l y s i s " : t r u e , " s e c t i o n _ l a b e l s " : t r u e , " i n d e x _ t i t l e " : t r u e , " s h a r e _ t o o l s " : t r u e , " l o c a l _ l i v e _ p r o m o " : t r u e , " a d v e r t s " : t r u e , " a d v e r t s _ a s y n c " : t r u e , " a d e x p e r t " : t r u e , " i g o r _ g e o _ r e d i r e c t " : t r u e , " i g o r _ d e v i c e _ r e d i r e c t " : t r u e , " l i v e " : t r u e , " c o m s c o r e _ m m x " : t r u e , " f i n d _ l o c a l _ n e w s " : t r u e , " c o m m e n t s " : t r u e , " c o m m e n t s _ e n h a n c e d " : t r u e , " b r o w s e r _ n o t i f y " : t r u e , " s t r e a m _ g r i d _ p r o m o " : t r u e , " b r e a k i n g _ n e w s " : f a l s e , " t o p _ s t o r i e s _ m a x _ v o l u m e " : t r u e , " r e c o r d _ l i v e s t a t s " : t r u e , " c o n t a c t _ f o r m " : t r u e , " c h a n n e l _ p a g e " : t r u e , " p o r t l e t _ g l o b a l _ v a r i a n t s " : t r u e , " s u p p r e s s _ l e p _ t i m e z o n e " : t r u e , " s t o r y _ r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s " : t r u e , " c e d e x i s " : t r u e , " m p u l s e " : t r u e , " s t o r y _ s i n g l e _ c o l u m n _ l a y o u t " : t r u e , " s t o r y _ i m a g e _ c o p y r i g h t _ l a b e l s " : t r u e , " o v p _ r e s o l v e _ p r i m a r y _ m e d i a _ v p i d s " : f a l s e , " m e d i a _ p l a y e r " : t r u e , " t r a v e l " : t r u e , " s e r v i c e s _ b a r " : t r u e , " l i v e _ v 2 _ s t r e a m " : t r u e , " l d p _ t a g _ a u g m e n t a t i o n " : t r u e } , " c o n f i g u r a t i o n " : { " s h o w t i m e s t a m p " : " 1 " , " s h o w w e a t h e r " : " 1 " , " s h o w s p o r t " : " 1 " , " s h o w o l y m p i c s " : " 1 " , " s h o w f e a t u r e m a i n " : " 1 " , " s h o w s i t e c a t a l y s t " : " 1 " , " c a n d y p l a t f o r m " : " E n h a n c e d M o b i l e " , " s h o w w a t c h l i s t e n " : " 1 " , " s h o w s p e c i a l r e p o r t s " : " " , " v i d e o t o p i c c a n d y i d " : " " , " s h o w v i d e o f e e d s e c t i o n s " : " 1 " , " s h o w s t o r y t o p s t o r i e s " : " " , " s h o w s t o r y f e a t u r e s a n d a n a l y s i s " : " 1 " , " s h o w s t o r y m o s t p o p u l a r " : " " , " s h o w g a l l e r y " : " 1 " , " c m s " :
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< h1 class = "story-body__h1" > Microsoft Windows hurt by PC sales slump< / h1 >
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< / figure > < p class = "story-body__introduction" > Microsoft's quarterly profit has missed analysts' estimates as a continued slump in personal computer sales hurt the company's core Windows business.< / p > < p > The firm's net income fell to $3.76bn (£2.6bn) in the third quarter from $4.99bn a year earlier.< / p > < p > Its shares were down more than 4% in after hours trading.< / p > < p > Revenue in its cloud business, which includes Azure, rose 3.3% to $6.1bn, but operating profits at the division shrank 14%.< / p > < p > "We would have liked to have seen 7% to 9% growth," said Dan Morgan, a portfolio manager at Synovus Trust, which holds Microsoft shares, said of cloud revenue.< / p > < div id = "bbccom_mpu_1_2_3" class = "bbccom_slot mpu-ad" aria-hidden = "true" >
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< / div > < p > "We're trying to validate this story that Microsoft is truly becoming a cloud company, and they're not going to be relying on the desktop computer."< / p > < h2 class = "story-body__crosshead" > 'Gaining momentum'< / h2 > < p > Revenue at the software giant fell to $20.53bn from $21.73bn, lower than the $22.09bn analysts had expected.< / p > < p > Continued weakness in the personal computing market hobbled demand for one-time licences for some of its products, the company said.< / p > < p > While some analysts are hungry for more growth from Microsoft, other analysts are adopting a wait-and-see approach.< / p > < p > "Microsoft's cloud business is gaining sales and momentum in the marketplace, so I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on this quarter's missed external expectations," said Matt McIllwain, a venture capitalist at Madrona Venture Group who watches Microsoft closely. < / p > < figure class = "media-landscape has-caption full-width" >
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< div class = "js-delayed-image-load" data-alt = "Microsoft's chief executive Satya Nadella" data-src = "http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/320/cpsprodpb/119D4/production/_87984127_gettyimages-459885938.jpg" data-width = "976" data-height = "549" > < / div >
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Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella has been focusing on cloud computing services
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< / figure > < h2 class = "story-body__crosshead" > Cloud shift< / h2 > < p > Kevin Turner, < a href = "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/Investor/earnings/FY-2016-Q3/press-release-webcast" class = "story-body__link-external" > chief operating officer < / a > at Microsoft said: "Digital transformation is the number one priority on our customers' agenda. Companies from large established businesses to emerging start-ups are turning to our cloud solutions to help them move faster and generate new revenue." < / p > < p > Microsoft's chief executive Satya Nadella has focused on developing the company's cloud business since he took over in early 2014, with his "mobile first, cloud first" strategy. < / p > < p > Earlier this week < a href = "http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36088072" class = "story-body__link" > US chipmaker Intel< / a > said it was cutting 12,000 jobs mainly due to lower demand in the personal computer market. Intel also said it wanted to "accelerate evolution from a PC company to one that powers the cloud and billions of smart, connected computing devices".< / p >
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-17 15:28:33 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< div class = "group story-alsos more-on-this-story" > < div class = "group__header" > < h2 class = "group__title" > More on this story< / h2 > < / div > < div class = "group__body" > < ul class = "units-list " > < li class = "unit unit--regular" data-entityid = "more-on-this-story#1" > < a href = "/news/technology-36097461" class = "unit__link-wrapper" > < div class = "unit__body" > < div class = "unit__header" > < div class = "unit__title" > < span class = "cta" > Xbox 360 games console discontinued by Microsoft < / span > < / div > < div class = "unit__meta" > < div class = "date date--v1" data-seconds = "1461175830" data-datetime = "20 April 2016" > 20 April 2016< / div > < / div > < / div > < / div > < / a > < / li > < li class = "unit unit--regular" data-entityid = "more-on-this-story#2" > < a href = "/news/technology-35927651" class = "unit__link-wrapper" > < div class = "unit__body" > < div class = "unit__header" > < div class = "unit__title" > < span class = "cta" > Build 2016: Microsoft proposes helper bot boom < / span > < / div > < div class = "unit__meta" > < div class = "date date--v1" data-seconds = "1459363934" data-datetime = "30 March 2016" > 30 March 2016< / div > < / div > < / div > < / div > < / a > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < / div > < / div >
2016-04-17 15:28:33 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-17 15:28:33 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-17 15:28:33 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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< strong class = "top-stories-promo-story__title" > EU-Turkey migrant deal is 'working'< / strong >
< p class = "top-stories-promo-story__summary " > The EU-Turkey migrant deal is producing results, European Council President Donald Tusk says, after visiting a camp on the Turkish-Syrian border.< / p >
< div class = "date date--v2" data-seconds = "1461444643" data-datetime = "23 April 2016" > 23 April 2016< / div >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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< strong class = "top-stories-promo-story__title" > Prince cremated in private ceremony< / strong >
< div class = "date date--v2" data-seconds = "1461459165" data-datetime = "24 April 2016" > 24 April 2016< / div >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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< strong class = "top-stories-promo-story__title" > Solar Impulse arrives at San Francisco< / strong >
< div class = "date date--v2" data-seconds = "1461471096" data-datetime = "24 April 2016" > 24 April 2016< / div >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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Features & Analysis
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
< / div >
< / div >
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< h3 class = "bold-image-promo__title" > Then and now< / h3 >
< p class = "bold-image-promo__summary" > We hear again from people hit by the Kathmandu earthquake< / p >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< div class = "features-and-analysis__story" data-entityid = "features-and-analysis#2" >
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< h3 class = "bold-image-promo__title" > Inside the bubble< / h3 >
< p class = "bold-image-promo__summary" > On board Air Force One with special M& Ms and James Bond< / p >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< h3 class = "bold-image-promo__title" > The sound of Minneapolis< / h3 >
< p class = "bold-image-promo__summary" > How Prince influenced musical life in his home town< / p >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< h3 class = "bold-image-promo__title" > Moving mountains< / h3 >
< p class = "bold-image-promo__summary" > The woman who saved hundreds in Himalayan floods < / p >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< div class = "features-and-analysis__story" data-entityid = "features-and-analysis#5" >
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< h3 class = "bold-image-promo__title" > Abbey mystery< / h3 >
< p class = "bold-image-promo__summary" > Secret behind the preserved head of hair in a lead coffin< / p >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< img src = "http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/304/cpsprodpb/D4BE/production/_89326445_89326385.jpg" class = "js-image-replace" alt = "Cut out of the moon and masks" width = "826" height = "465" / >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< h3 class = "bold-image-promo__title" > Your pictures< / h3 >
< p class = "bold-image-promo__summary" > Readers' photographs on the theme of William Shakespeare< / p >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< div class = "features-and-analysis__story" data-entityid = "features-and-analysis#7" >
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< img src = "http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/304/cpsprodpb/10577/production/_89253966_joannanow.jpg" class = "js-image-replace" alt = "Joanna Giannouli" width = "976" height = "549" / >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< h3 class = "bold-image-promo__title" > Weekend Edition< / h3 >
< p class = "bold-image-promo__summary" > Features to enjoy, including your comments< / p >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< img src = "http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/304/cpsprodpb/2EE0/production/_89400021_bobmarley2.png" class = "js-image-replace" alt = "Bob Marley performing" width = "1920" height = "1080" / >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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< span class = "responsive-image__label-text" > 1:22< / span >
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< h3 class = "bold-image-promo__title" > Marley mask< / h3 >
< p class = "bold-image-promo__summary" > The Snapchat row over Bob and other trends of the week< / p >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< div class = "features-and-analysis__story" data-entityid = "features-and-analysis#9" >
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< div class = "js-delayed-image-load" data-src = "http://ichef-1.bbci.co.uk/news/304/cpsprodpb/15EF9/production/_89394898_19_04_dino_decline.gif" data-width = "976" data-height = "549" data-alt = "Go Figure graphic on suggestions that dinosaurs may have been on their way out for 50 millions years before a huge asteroid hit earth" > < / div >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< img src = "http://ichef-1.bbci.co.uk/news/304/cpsprodpb/15EF9/production/_89394898_19_04_dino_decline.gif" class = "js-image-replace" alt = "Go Figure graphic on suggestions that dinosaurs may have been on their way out for 50 millions years before a huge asteroid hit earth" width = "976" height = "549" / >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
< h3 class = "bold-image-promo__title" > Go Figure< / h3 >
< p class = "bold-image-promo__summary" > The week's big numbers from the news, visualised< / p >
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-17 15:28:33 +09:00
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2016-04-17 15:28:33 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-17 15:28:33 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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2016-04-17 15:28:33 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-17 15:28:33 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
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2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
2016-04-17 21:26:51 +09:00
2016-04-24 14:32:43 +09:00
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" ; r e t u r n n = " u n d e f i n e d " ! = t y p e o f t . c o n f i g ( " m a x S u g g e s t i o n s " ) ? + t . c o n f i g ( " m a x S u g g e s t i o n s " ) : g , n = M a t h . m a x ( M a t h . m i n ( n , 1 0 ) , 0 ) } f u n c t i o n r ( e ) { f o r ( v a r t = " _ S U G G E S T " , n = 0 , s = e . l e n g t h ; s > n ; n + + ) t + = " " + e . c h a r C o d e A t ( n ) . t o S t r i n g ( 1 6 ) ; r e t u r n t } v a r i = { E S C : 2 7 , U P : 3 8 , D O W N : 4 0 } , u = " / / s e a r c h - s u g g e s t . a p i . b b c i . c o . u k / s e a r c h - s u g g e s t / s u g g e s t ? { { s c o p e } } & f o r m a t = b l q - 1 & a p i k e y = G q o N A M B B m P C Z 0 t 8 k X A r U 5 j g o j o Z d E r 1 0 & q = { { t e r m } } " , a = 1 , c = 2 4 , g = 6 , m = 5 0 0 , l = " o r b - m e n u - a c t i v e " , h = " o r b - m e n u - s e l e c t e d " , d = f u n c t i o n ( o ) { v a r r = o . f o r m . p a r e n t N o d e , u = t h i s ; t h i s . s e a r c h I n p u t = o , t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n = - 1 , t h i s . c h a n g e T h r o t t l e = n u l l , t h i s . m e n u D o m = n . c a l l ( t h i s , f u n c t i o n ( e ) { u . s e t S u g g e s t i o n ( e ) , u . s e a r c h I n p u t . f o r m . s u b m i t ( ) } , f u n c t i o n ( t ) { v a r n = + e . g e t A t t r ( t , " d a t a - i t e m " ) ; u . s e t S e l e c t i o n ( n ) } ) , t h i s . s t a t u s D o m = s ( ) , r . a p p e n d C h i l d ( t h i s . m e n u D o m ) , r . a p p e n d C h i l d ( t h i s . s t a t u s D o m ) , e . a d d E v e n t ( [ o ] , " k e y u p " , f u n c t i o n ( t ) { v a r n = + ( " n u m b e r " = = t y p e o f t . w h i c h ) ? t . w h i c h : t . k e y C o d e ; n = = = i . U P ? ( e . r e m o v e C l a s s ( e ( " u l " , u . m e n u D o m ) , " o r b - m e n u - m o u s e " ) , e . a d d C l a s s ( e ( " u l " , u . m e n u D o m ) , " o r b - m e n u - k e y b o a r d " ) , u . m o v e S e l e c t i o n ( - 1 ) ) : n = = = i . D O W N ? ( e . r e m o v e C l a s s ( e ( " u l " , u . m e n u D o m ) , " o r b - m e n u - m o u s e " ) , e . a d d C l a s s ( e ( " u l " , u . m e n u D o m ) , " o r b - m e n u - k e y b o a r d " ) , u . m o v e S e l e c t i o n ( 1 ) ) : n = = = i . E S C ? ( u . s e t S e l e c t i o n ( - 1 ) , u . h i d e S u g g e s t i o n s ( ) ) : ( e ( " # o r b - s e a r c h - s u g g i d " ) [ 0 ] . v a l u e = " " , u . f e t c h S u g g e s t i o n s ( ) ) } ) , e . a d d E v e n t ( [ o ] , " b l u r " , f u n c t i o n ( e ) { c l e a r T i m e o u t ( u . c h a n g e T h r o t t l e ) , u . h i d e S u g g e s t i o n s ( ) } ) , t . l a y o u t ( f u n c t i o n ( e ) { u . h i d e S u g g e s t i o n s ( ) } ) , e . a d d E v e n t ( t h i s . m e n u D o m , " m o u s e m o v e " , f u n c t i o n ( t ) { e . r e m o v e C l a s s ( e ( " u l " , u . m e n u D o m ) , " o r b - m e n u - k e y b o a r d " ) , e . a d d C l a s s ( e ( " u l " , u . m e n u D o m ) , " o r b - m e n u - m o u s e " ) } ) } ; r e t u r n d . p r o t o t y p e . s h o w S u g g e s t i o n s = f u n c t i o n ( t , n ) { v a r s , r , i = " " , u = n . l e n g t h ; i f ( u & & ( r = o ( " m a x S u g g e s t i o n s " ) , 0 ! = = r ) ) { u = r ? M a t h . m i n ( r , u ) : u ; f o r ( v a r a = 0 ; u > a ; a + + ) s = e . s t r . h t m l E n t i t i e s ( n [ a ] . t i t l e ) , s = s . r e p l a c e ( n e w R e g E x p ( e . s t r . h t m l E n t i t i e s ( t ) , " i " ) , " < b > $ & < / b > " ) , s = e . s t r . t r i m H t m l ( s , c ) , i + = ' < l i d a t a - i t e m = " ' + a + ' " d a t a - t e r m = " ' + e . s t r . h t m l E n t i t i e s ( n [ a ] . t i t l e ) + ' " d a t a - s u g g e s t i o n - i d = " ' + e . s t r . h t m l E n t i t i e s ( n [ a ] . i d ) + ' " > ' + s + " < / l i > " ; t h i s . m e n u D o m . i n n e r H T M L = " < u l > " + i + " < / u l > " , u > 0 & & ( t h i s . s t a t u s D o m . i n n e r H T M L = u + " r e s u l t " + ( 1 = = = u ? " i s " : " s a r e " ) + " a v a i l a b l e , u s e u p a n d d o w n a r r o w k e y s t o n a v i g a t e . " ) , e . a d d C l a s s ( t h i s . m e n u D o m , l ) } } , d . p r o t o t y p e . h i d e S u g g e s t i o n s = f u n c t i o n ( ) { e . r e m o v e C l a s s ( t h i s . m e n u D o m , l ) , t h i s . m e n u D o m . i n n e r H T M L = " " , t h i s . s e t S e l e c t i o n ( - 1 ) , t h i s . s t a t u s D o m . i n n e r H T M L = " " } , d . p r o t o t y p e . m o v e S e l e c t i o n = f u n c t i o n ( t ) { v a r n = e ( " l i " , t h i s . m e n u D o m ) , s = n [ t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n ] ; s & & ( s . r e m o v e A t t r i b u t e ( " a r i a - s e l e c t e d " ) , e . r e m o v e C l a s s ( s , h ) ) , t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n + = t , t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n > = n . l e n g t h ? ( t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n = - 1 , t h i s . r e s t o r e S u g g e s t i o n ( ) ) : - 1 = = = t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n ? t h i s . r e s t o r e S u g g e s t i o n ( ) : t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n < - 1 & & ( t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n = n . l e n g t h - 1 ) , s = n [ t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n ] , s & & ( s . s e t A t t r i b u t e ( " a r i a - s e l e c t e d " , " t r u e " , 0 ) , e . a d d C l a s s ( s , h ) , t h i s . s e t S u g g e s t i o n ( s ) ) } , d . p r o t o t y p e . s e t S e l e c t i o n = f u n c t i o n ( t ) { v a r n = e ( " l i " , t h i s . m e n u D o m ) , s = n [ t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n ] ; s & & ( s . r e m o v e A t t r i b u t e ( " a r i a - s e l e c t e d " ) , e . r e m o v e C l a s s ( s , h ) ) , " n u m b e r " = = t y p e o f t ? t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n = t : t h i s . c u r r e n t S u g g e s t i o n = - 1 } , d . p r o t o t y p e . s
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