Searching for special characters is broken
VideoScrubbingControl.updateFillLayerMask() uses 100% CPU when watching a video
Select all does weird stuff to words that are misspelled
Leading indentation that uses tabs is stripped
Actually TestFlight refused to update sorry about that
Leading indentation that uses tabs is stripped
Leading indentation that uses tabs is stripped
Allow setting post visibility on macOS
Catalyst, I don’t see any buttons beside the content warning one and the one to select reactions.
Allow setting post visibility on macOS
⌘W on macOS occasionally closes the main window, not the currently focused one
Tusker registers for media playback but doesn't relinquish it
Backgrounding the app dismisses any presented SFSafariViewControllers
Can't type emoji in Mac Catalyst app
Scroll to top doesn't work in SFSafariViewController
Probably also worth changing these?
1f37a5e7eb/Tusker/Tusker.entitlements (L9)…
Refresh menu item is disabled on macOS
I looked into this and found that the problem appears to be that the timeline view never gets focus or added to the responder chain. The focus would keep going to the page view controller content…